Organized by Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

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Inauguration of Undergraduate Legal Research Conference 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo

The Faculty of Law, University of Colombo proudly marked a historic milestone with the inauguration of its premiere Undergraduate Legal Research Conference. This groundbreaking event was held on March 27, 2024, at the Law Faculty Auditorium as a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Law at the University of Colombo, the Centre for Studies of Human Rights, the Legal Research Unit of the Faculty of Law, and the Research Unit of the Thulawa Association, the Undergraduates’ Official Publication. The inauguration featured a Panel Discussion following a Workshop, aimed at providing undergraduates with essential insights into the significance of legal research. Distinguished luminaries from the legal community, including Justice His Lordship Justice Janak de Silva, Emeritus Professor G.L. Peiris, Mr. Jagath Wickramanayake, President’s Counsel and Dr. Thusitha Abeysekara, contributed to the discussion, moderated by Mr. Prasantha Lal De Alwis, President’s Counsel. Following the Panel Discussion, the workshop was conducted by Dr. Dilini Pathirana, Coordinator of the Legal Research Unit, offering practical guidance on ‘How to Do a Research’. This momentous occasion drew an impressive gathering of over 850 participants, representing law departments from various state universities such as Departmentof Law University of Peradeniya, Department of Law University of Jaffna, Department of Law Open University of Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka Law College, as well as undergraduates from non-state universities. It represents a significant step forward in Sri Lankan Legal Education, promoting inclusivity among both state and non-state universities.

Submission Deadlines

Meeting significant challenges head-on, the submission deadlines ensure successful outcomes through dedicated effort and innovation

Submission Format

1. Articles should be submitted in MS Word format according to the given template. (Click here to download template)

2. Word Count - 3000-3500 excluding footnotes/annexures

3. Paper size – A4, Margins – Left 1.5 inches and all others 1 inch, Line spacing – 1.15, single column, 12 pt, Text justified, Page number – Bottom centred.

4. Font style – Times New Roman (For English Medium), Iskoolapotha (For Sinhala Medium), or Kalhalm (For Tamil Medium).

5. Referencing Style - Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA 4th Edn) Source: Click here

Abstract and Keywords

6. An abstract of 300-350 words should be included, along with five (05) keywords.

Originality and Review Process

7. Submissions must be original and must not have been published, accepted or submitted elsewhere. Submissions must be in English/Sinhala/Tamil Language.

8. Manuscripts will be subjected to a blind review process.

Submission Process and Contact

9. Articles should be submitted via e-mail to "thulawaresearch@gmail.com".

10. For further details, please contact Conference Coordinators:

  • Asindu Munasinghe - hmasmunasinghe@gmail.com
  • Ashani Dulakshika - ashanidulakshika@gmail.com
  • Nevishka Rodrigo - witharanagenevishka@gmail.com
  • Program Schedule

    The program schedule is designed to address key challenges and achieve remarkable outcomes through thoughtful planning and execution

    Conference Proceedings

    The conference proceedings reflect the culmination of dedicated efforts and successful outcomes, providing valuable insights and fostering innovation.

    All the submissions must be original and without being accepted elsewhere. Authors are free to contact conference coordinators for any clarifications.

    Conference Coordinators:
    Asindu Munasinghe - hmasmunasinghe@gmail.com
    Ashani Dulakshika - ashanidulakshika@gmail.com
    Nevishka Rodrigo - witharanagenevishka@gmail.com

    Frequently Asked Questions

