Thulawa Association Amplifies University Law Celebrations

While the Faculty of Law of the University of Colombo celebrates its Diamond Jubilee with 75 years of teaching, research, advocacy and service to the public of Sri Lanka, we, the Thulawa Association aspires to amplify these efforts of the Faculty of Law by enhancing student participation in new creative ventures of legal education.

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Thulawa Association

The Thulawa Association, established by the Faculty of Law at University of Colombo, aims to educate citizens on legal knowledge and create a law-abiding society. The Thulawa Law Magazine, an official student publication, was first published in 2016 and aims to provide comprehensive legal knowledge to the public.

About Us

Empowering Citizens

with Legal Knowledge to Create a Law-Abiding Society. Our official student publication, is a tool to achieve this goal. It is a comprehensive source of legal knowledge that is accessible to all.

  • The Thulawa Association is a beacon of hope for creating a just and fair society.
  • we are fulfilling our social responsibility by educating citizens and eliminating the excuse of ignorance of the law.
  • Together, we can create a law-abiding society that is built on fairness, justice, and equality for all.
  • Our mission is to empower citizens with the knowledge and understanding of the law, so they can protect themselves and their rights


A jurist can obey the letter of the law and violate its spirit, or it can follow the spirit of the law and violate the letter of the law. I want someone who can reconcile the letter and the spirit of the law without partisan feelings

Commercial Law

Commercial law is a branch of law that deals with business and commerce related transactions and disputes with agreements between other parties.

Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law is the study of the principles and laws that govern a country's government and its relationship with citizens.

International Law

International law is the set of rules, norms, and standards generally recognized as binding between states.

Civil Law

Civil law deals with non-criminal disputes and rights between individuals and organizations

Property Law

Property Law deals with the legal rights and regulations of ownership, use, and transfer of property

Criminal Law

Criminal Law is the branch of law that defines and punishes criminal offenses of individuals or other entities, that would distrupt the law of the country.

"Creating a just and fair society through legal education"

Our mission is to empower citizens with the knowledge and understanding of the law, so they can protect themselves and their rights.

Meet the Executive Committee

Thulawa Law Magazine is the official student publication of the Law Faculty of Colombo University, the only law faculty in Sri Lanka's public university system. The socialization of law through a lasting and practical method is necessary to provide comprehensive legal knowledge that affects the entire student community of the college and the entire Sri Lankan society.


Shaheen Seneviratne

President / Editor-in-Chief


Lakshan Wickramasinghe

Executive Director


Janindu Lanka

Junior Treasurer

Why Thulawa Association


At Thulawa, we believe in the power of education to positively impact society. Our mission is to equip our members and students with the necessary resources and guidance to excel in contemporary legal topics, and to contribute to the advancement of the academic and student experience of our community.

Vajira Galigamuwa

Our Opinions

The Opinions Page features opinion articles, op-eds, reviews by undergraduates and editorials by the Editorial Board.


Child Sex Trafficking; Adaption of Child Slavery vs the Evolution of Law

The article discusses the issue of child slavery in Sri Lanka, specifically focusing on child sex trafficking (CST). While slavery in general was abolished in the 19th century, child slavery still exists in various forms, including forced labor, sex trafficking, and exploitation. The article defines CST as "recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receiving a child for the purpose of sexual exploitation."


A Walkthrough on the Evolution of Civil Law and the Legal System of Sri Lanka

Civil law, also known as neo-Roman law, Romano-Germanic law or Continental law, refers to the general private law that regulates the most common relations of human coexistence, as well as the legal science that investigates and explains it. The term civil law is derived from the Latin ius civile, which refers to the law applicable to all Roman cives or citizens. The origins of civil law can be traced back to the Corpus Juris created by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century CE.


දඩුවමක අරමුණ

නීතිය යනු කුමක් ද යන්න නිර්වචනය කිරීමෙහි ලා නිශ්චිත එකගතාවයක් ලොව නොපවතී. නීතිවේදියෙකු වන ජෝන් ඔස්ටින් දක්වන ලෙස නීතිය යන්නෙන් අදහස් වන්නේ යම් ක්‍රියාවක් හෝ ක්‍රියා මාලාවක් කිරීමට විධානය කරනු ලැබීම සහ එම විධානය පිළිනොපැදීම මත දඩුවමට ලක් වීමයි. රොස්කෝ පවුන්ඩ්ට අනුව නීතියේ අරමුණ සමාජ තන්ත්‍රයේ මනා පැවැත්ම සදහා ජනතාව සහ සාමාජිකයන් අතර උවමනාවන් පාලනය කිරීමයි. මෙකී අර්ථ නිරූපණ අනුව නීතිය සහ දඩුවම් එකිනෙක බැදී පවතින අතර නීතියේ පැවැත්ම උදෙසා දඩුවම් අවශ්‍ය බව හැඟවේ.


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Reach out to us with any questions, comments or suggestions. The contact details of the Thulawa Association are available below. You can also contact us via the form.

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